Experience of use Vermixin

The appearance of helminths in the body is always unexpected and unpleasant. For many, the realization that someone is living inside them causes real panic. People who have taken Vermixin and gotten rid of parasites talk about their successful treatment.

Review by Elena from Lisbon about using capsules

There is hardly a person who would be happy to find out that they have worms. Usually meeting them is not pleasant and leaves you in a state of shock! Our family was not spared this acquaintance either. We have children, cats and dogs. Everyone sleeps, eats, plays together and as a result, at the next test, a 6-year-old child and a dog were diagnosed with helminthiasis. At first everyone panicked! It's not pleasant to look at these creatures! We started looking for a list of anti-helminth drugs. The animals were treated quickly, but choosing a drug suitable for children was not easy. After reading reviews on the internet, watching a single review and learning how to use the capsules, we decided to order Vermixin. It had a natural composition based on herbal extracts, had no contraindications and was gentle. There have been many positive reviews about these drops; they are harmful to various types of worms: roundworms, pinworms, worms, necatoriosis.

Feedback on using Vermixin

We ordered capsules. Ingestion does not cause any problems in adults. The capsules are too big for children. We broke them in half to make swallowing easier and to avoid the risk of choking. The tablets were taken with about half a glass of water. For the little ones, I crushed the capsule with a spoon, mixed it with water and gave it to drink. The drug does not have a pronounced taste, so the children did not show much resistance.

In addition to taking Vermixin, we carefully washed and ironed our underwear and changed bed linen and towels regularly. The whole family was treated, even visiting grandparents, including animals, to avoid a vicious cycle of reinfection. We took 1 capsule each morning and evening for 5 days. A few weeks later we were tested and no helminths were found, which we were very happy about. Three months later we took part in another course of Vermixin as a preventive measure. Since I have had positive experiences using capsules, I recommend them to everyone who is faced with the problem of helminthiasis.